Human Resources Professional

PT. Aila Samudera Indonesia is a company engaged in the Trading & Shipping Crew Agent. Established in 2010.

Meet Our Team

Join P.T AILASAMINDO was with us right now, to procedures and requirements you can see on page carrer .You are sailor formidable.

Agus Salim Nasir
Agus Salim NasirChief Executive Office
Founder of PT. Aila Samudera Indonesia Experienced in the field of Trading & Shipping Crew Agent. Established in 2010 in Makassar, South Sulawesi and headquartered in Jakarta in 2013
A.S.NOperations Director
Founder of PT. Aila Samudera Indonesia Experienced in the field of Trading & Shipping Crew Agent. Established in 2010 in Makassar, South Sulawesi and headquartered in Jakarta in 2013
Agus Salim Nasir
Agus Salim NasirCreative Director
Founder of PT. Aila Samudera Indonesia Experienced in the field of Trading & Shipping Crew Agent. Established in 2010 in Makassar, South Sulawesi and headquartered in Jakarta in 2013

Recent Works

Creating a world of fisheries that produces professional, innovative, hard-working, and performing human resources in the capture fisheries sector.


Expert Partners Agree

“No man but feels more of a man in the world if he have but a bit of ground that he can call his own. However small it is on the surface, it is four thousand miles deep; and that is a very handsome property.”
“Many novice real estate investors soon quit the profession and invest. When you invest in real estate, you often see a side of humanity that stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and saving money shelter you from.”

Trusted Partners

Training activities are carried out at PT Aila Samudera Indonesia, while training activities include: skills training on board, physical endurance, and introduction to the Taiwanese language and learning to write Taiwanese writing.